Dr. Tim Franklin has a unique story about how he found his way into dental locuming as a new dentist. Read on to hear more about his …
What is a locum tenens?
A locum, or locum tenens, is a person who temporarily fulfills the duties of another, the term is especially used for …
We are in the News!
The American Dental Association wrote an article on dental locuming, you can read more here --> https://goo.gl/2nVMZF Please be in …
Origin story for DMDwhere
Dr. Madalyn Davidson and DMDwhere Locum History I have been a locum dentist for the past six years of my twelve-year career. I …
Locum Dentist Interview with Dr. Doug Daehlin
Interview by Dr. Madalyn Davidson Left to right: Dr. Doug Daehlin, Dr. Madalyn Davidson, and Dr. Lynda Tran on our volunteer dental …
Benefits of being or hiring a Dental Locum
Dental Locuming: an Emerging Career Choice for Dentists What is a locum? The Latin phrase locum tenens means ‘placeholder’ or ‘substitute’. …
Looking for flexibility in professional life?
You would be a great locum! Avid traveler? Work a month, travel a month, work a month, travel a month...you get the picture. Stay at …
Would you like to spend two weeks abroad this year?
Two weeks in Italy! That is a dream trip, right? We can help you make that or any adventure you choose happen by bringing in another dental …
Make time for your own health
Dentists and other medical professionals often spend so much time and energy taking care of their patients that they neglect their own …